Hot Off the Wire — 5/26/24

Local / Regional News

May 28, 10am: Tell The Clallam County Commissioners to support the City of Port Angeles’ Elwha Watershed Protection Project under the Trust Land Transfer (TLT) program! On May 28, the County Commissioners will vote on a letter about the City’s TLT. Agenda with Zoom link. More info: Elizabeth Dunne: 

Elwha dam removal study shows coast renewal – “The Elwha River offers an important lesson for future dam removal projects,” says one scientist.

June 5: Washington Conservation Action election insider briefing. Register here.

Removal of carbon from seawater project in Port Angeles may begin, but is it safe? A research project on perceptions about these projects is looking for participants. Contact if you would like to participate.

Living the Land flyer for workshop

Living on the Land  classes help people develop self-sufficiency through food- and land-based skills. Caring for Home Orchards is 10:30am, June 1.

Clam image from WFDW
Image WDFW

Fecal pollution threatens shellfish harvest areas –  “People can do their part by maintaining septic systems, using pump out stations for recreational vehicles, and managing animal waste from farms,” says WA Health Dept. Local shellfish safety map is here.

Rising seas and septic tanks exposed A Washington Post report. Locally, check out this map of Clallam County septic system inspections.

Ban foam containers.

WA styrofoam ban starts June 1! – Foam clamshell containers used for takeout food are now illegal statewide.

Wood pellet companies threaten Washington state forests – As the biomass energy grows, its carbon emissions go uncounted.

Clallam Gleaners need you! Sign up to help harvest. Help get fresh food to those who need it.

National / International News

Glowing sea creature for UN World Ocean Day
Image: UN World Oceans Day

Celebrate World Ocean DayJune 7: This UN World Ocean Day online event features global ocean experts. Protect our oceans with Greenpeace.


Monitoring the ocean and its role in the climate is key to a more sustainable future. CarbonWatch-NZ is the first project to completely quantify an entire country’s carbon budget.

Pro-plastic ads near the UN plastic treaty negotiations. Image: James Park/Pro Publica

Pro-plastic messaging inescapable at the UN’s plastic treaty conference, a Pro Publica report. Tell Amazon to stop plastic packaging Sign the petition.

Planet money illustration by Lazaro Gamio/Axios
Illustration: Lazaro Gamio/Axios

How much is our planet worth? – Bill McKibben explores Citibank’s analysis. Also see Rainforest Action Network‘s message to Bank of America.

Consumer Reports says climate changes will cost us $500,000 each.


Image: Grist/Getty Images

Zero waste the French way: France is famous for its fine wines and cheese but is also known as a zero-waste leader. France has passed some of the world’s most ambitious waste-reduction policies. It was the first country in the world to ban supermarkets from throwing away unsold food and one of the first to enshrine “extended producer responsibility” into law. Read more from Yes.


If you make a mess, clean it up! 5 states seek a Climate Superfund. Sign this petition to make big oil pay.

5 Hydrogen power myths busted – Is hydrogen a breakthrough climate solution? Meanwhile, Honda unveils a fuel-cell semi project.

Climate justice microgrants – Insights show diverse communities taking successful action.

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