Hot Off the Wire — 6/23/24

Local / Regional News

Peninsula College gets funding to train people working on the frontlines of climate change.

No on 2117 - don't rollback climate gains

Group launches site to map Climate Commitment Act projects — They hope showing investments will help save Washington’s Climate Commitment Act from repeal. Learn more: No on 2117


BC looking to ban open net farmed salmon

June 26, 10 am: “Seals on the Beach” –

Join Friends of Fort Flagler for a walk on the beach to talk about Pacific Harbor Seals.  Register here.

June 27: Nature Art for Kids – A tree’s slice of life at the Dungeness River Nature Center

Before June 28, support the expansion of the Dabob Bay Conservation Area. Send this letter to DNR.

please save bees

June 29: Native bee pollinator walk at the Dungeness River Nature Center.

Before July 2, email the Commissioner of Public Lands and the Board of Natural Resources to tell them WA’s legacy forests are worth more standing!

July: Comment on USFS old growth management plan — In your comments, Oregon Wild suggests noting difference between mature forests and old-growth trees, threatened places and climate and biodiversity crises.

The Future is Old Growth – A Sierra Magazine report

League of Women Voters schedules local candidate forums in July. Five forums are set for the 24th Legislative District.

July 14, 4pm: Dana Lyons CD release concert – Port Townsend at Quimper UU.

July 28: North Olympic Land Trust picnicMore info here.

National / International News

wake up world poster

Youth win historic climate case in Hawaii – Settlement agreement recognizes children’s constitutional rights to a life-sustaining climate and says the state’s transportation system must implement changes to achieve zero emissions by 2045.

Tell CNN to ask about climate in the 1st presidential “debate”

Gaza conflict has caused major environmental damage – a Reuters report

All is not fun in the sunBill McKibben posts scorching heat news.

Listen: Climate change brings weird weather everywhere – a Bloomberg podcast featuring Dr. Katharine Hayhoe.


we are the great turning podcast image

We are the Great Turning – This podcast features Joanna Macy and Jessica Serrante .


Good day for solar power – Summer solstice marks huge increase globally.

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