Hot Off the Wire — 5/01/2020

Local, Actionable and Timely

Flu Virus Resources

COVID-19 and Climate: Implications for Public Health — Climate One


LETTER: Healthy body politic — Peninsula Daily News

Jubilee — A way forward with deep, ancient roots

Pandemic Billionaires and Corruption, Corruption Everywhere

Earth Day 2025: The things we left behind
By Todd Paglia, Executive Director,

Why Jane Goodall says human disregard for nature led to the coronavirus pandemic
— PBS News Hour

As Earth Day Turns 50, Imagine a Just, Green, Pandemic-Free Future

Planet of the Humans deceives viewers about clean energy and climate activists — Leah Stokes | Vox

Skepticism Is Healthy, but Planet of the Humans Is Toxic— Films for Action

The wheel of first-time climate dudes, or Why I don’t want to review Michael Moore’s climate change documentary. — Emily Atkin | Heated

Climate experts call for ‘dangerous’ Michael Moore film to be taken down — The Guardian responds to inaccuracies in Planet of the Humans


Week 23: Don’t wash your jeans all month.

Click here to learn more about Sunrise School and how you can register for free training to be a leader in the movement to stop climate change.

Climate assembly continues in UK despite coronavirus

Citizens’ assemblies on climate change seek to shape the post-Covid recovery

A new approach to accelerating solutions

The global pandemic has spawned new forms of activism – and they’re flourishing
We’ve identified nearly 100 distinct methods of non-violent action that include physical, virtual and hybrid actions — The Guardian

Regional Actions

Climate Leaders Live:
Building a Clean Energy Future Together
Tuesday, May 19th at 11 a.m. PST — Please RSVP here

Endangered Species Day and how you can take action
Join us Wednesday, May 6 at 4 p.m. Pacific/4 p.m. PT to learn more
— Center for Biological Diversity

Join us to learn more about raingardens and how you can help protect Puget Sound from home

National Actions

Virtual Meeting – Our Plan to Win in 2020 | Saturday May 9, 2-3:00 PT — Sierra Club

Stem the rising tide of brutal violence against indigenous forest guardians

Give us recycled fiber Toilet Paper or give us . . . —

COVID-19 & Climate Change: What does this mean for the fight against the climate crisis? —

Morgan Stanley just became the fifth major U.S. bank to reject financing drilling in the Arctic

I Pledge to Never Fund Fossil Fuels

Sign the petition: No bailouts for oil companies! — Demand Progress

Tell cruise companies: No return to pollution as usual! —

Get registered and get your friends to vote with you — Climate Hawks Vote

Add your name now to fight for protections against dangerous offshore drilling and spilling — Oceana

Local/Regional News

SAFE Cities briefing and discussion video | April 21 2020 – 38 minutes
Liz McDowell and Todd Paglia lead a briefing and discussion about the SAFE Cities program at

Tom Steyer is now Chair of the Governor of California’s business and jobs recovery task force —

Sightline’s Latest Original Work

National/International News

What will it REALLY take for our governments to fix the global warming extinction emergency which is unfolding over the following decades?
— by Lawrence Wollersheim

Short Circuiting Policy
Interest Groups and the Battle Over Clean Energy and Climate Policy in the American States — New book by Leah Stokes

RSVP now for “Comedy Night for Mother Earth” | April 30 at 8:00pm ET
— Chesapeake Climate Action Network

50th anniversary of Earth Day, in case you missed it.

Naomi Klein on How to Beat Coronavirus Capitalism

From Emergency to Emergence — David Korten

Pandemic Prescriptions for the Climate Emergency — Stan Cox

Stuck in the Past on the Climate
Shareholders at JP Morgan Chase should block a former Exxon chief from another term on the bank’s board. —

In fast-warming Minnesota, scientists are trying to plant forests of the future — The Washington Post

50 years later, Earth Day’s unsolved problem: How to build a more sustainable world
— The Washington Post

Climate in Politics

Al Gore endorses Joe Biden on Earth Day

Jay Inslee Endorses Biden, Citing Private Conversations on Climate Policy
— The New York Times

To Understand the Medical Supply Shortage, It Helps to Know How the U.S. Lost the Lithium Ion Battery to China — ProPublica

Climate Change Won’t Stop for the Coronavirus Pandemic — ProPublica


Hello climate enthusiasts, On today’s edition of Democracy Now!, French Economist Thomas Piketty discusses the following  premise from his book Capital and Ideology: “All history shows that the search for a distribution of wealth acceptable to the majority of people is a recurrent theme in all periods and all cultures,” he reports boldly. As societies distribute income, wealth and education more widely, so they become more prosperous. The overturning of regressive ideologies is therefore the main condition of economic progress.

​Piketty’s premise clearly shows the link between income equality, the pandemic, and climate justice.  Here’s a link to a review of Piketty’s book from The Guardian

I hope you find this information provocative and helpful. Sincerely, Tammy Dziadek

Nan Bray is an oceanographer and climate scientist
who has farmed superfine merinos near Oatlands since 2000
  1. Carbon dioxide:
    Nature’s tiny solar panels
  2. Take a deep breath
  3. Galileo Fixes Everything
  4. A Silver Lining

This is a series I’m writing on climate change for our local monthly newspaper. I wanted to go back to the basics of the science behind climate change.

Category: Burning Worlds

Meet Fabian Almazan, an award-winning jazz pianist and composer, environmentalist, and founder of Biophilia Records